Additional information
AREA: | CM16, CM17, CM18, CM19, CM20, CM21, CM22, CM23, CM24, EN7, EN8, EN9, EN10, EN11, IG10, SG9, SG10, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG14, SG1, SG2 |
How it Works..
*Please Note: There MAY be additional charges if your waste is NOT in an easily accessible place. Feel free to send us pictures of the wastes location from google maps (Ariel Image)*
* Please Note: There ARE additional charges for Fridge/Freezers and Mattresses*
AREA: | CM16, CM17, CM18, CM19, CM20, CM21, CM22, CM23, CM24, EN7, EN8, EN9, EN10, EN11, IG10, SG9, SG10, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG14, SG1, SG2 |